Thanksgiving 2015

I’m. Just. So. Thankful.

Seriously guys, I can’t even begin to describe how thankful I truly am for all that I have. I went back to reread my blog from this time last year. I praised Rhett for being such an amazing husband. He totally still is and I’m just as thankful as I was a year ago. I also wrote that we were still trying to get the nursery finished. This year, I have an almost 10 month old (on Thursday) who is already walking! I can’t believe it.

Every night before bed I go in to the nursery to check on my sleeping boy. I say the same prayer that I have been saying since he came home from the hospital and I thank God for my beautiful boy. I also thank God for every minute that I get to spend as Rhett’s wife and RB’s mom. These are the two most important roles in my life and I’ll be forever grateful for that.

Here’s my Top Reasons for Thankfulness in 2015:

5) My friends! I have the best friends! Most of them have been around since high school and then the rest for at least ten years or more. We are a tight group that has seen it all with each other. Marriage, babies, moving, funerals, etc – we’re there for it and I wouldn’t have it any other way.


4) Rhett’s family. I got lucky in the in-law department and I’m thankful for them and the time we get to spend together, the phone calls, and Skype chats. Our family is all over the place so thank goodness for Facebook – we can all keep up with each other!


3) My family. My parents, who are the best grandparents ever (yes, totally biased here, no shame). My mom, especially, for spending everyday taking care of RB. That’s a huge job and she is AMAZING at it. My Dad for always sharing his dessert with RB. That man does NOT share sweets but when it comes to his little man, he gets whatever he wants. My brother for being super fun Uncle Dave! RB is David’s mini-me all the way. He looks like him. He acts like him. They are two peas in a pod and it’s adorable.


2) RB. What a happy baby we have! He giggles all day long and about the silliest things. The other night I was nursing him before bed. We were in the nursery, the lights were off, he had his wubbie in his hands and all was quiet. I had one hand under his legs and wrapped around to his other side when he dropped his hand and it fell in mine so naturally I closed my hand around his. For whatever reason he thought this was HILARIOUS! He started laughing so big over it and of course, I started laughing at him. We giggled so hard and long at each other that Rhett finally came back there to see what was going on. Moments like that are what it’s all about. The simplest thing brought so much joy and happiness and I’ll remember that moment for the rest of my life.


1) Rhett. Rhett’s wedding band is inscribed on the inside and what it says holds true forever. “You’re my favorite.” He makes me laugh, cooks me dinner, plays with the boy, gives me a break when I need it, cleans, builds things, paints the house (twice because I didn’t like the first color), does household projects… everything! He’s so good to us. We are truly blessed to have him.

RhettS RhettS2

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