Our boy is ONE!!

We have a one year old now.  How is that possible??  I feel like it was just yesterday that we brought him home from the hospital.  We no longer have a squishy little baby who does nothing but eat and sleep all day.  We have a wild and crazy, no fear, loud, rambunctious little boy!


He walks and talks and lets us know when he’s happy or mad.  He eats everything under the sun.  There’s nothing he doesn’t like.  He’s outgoing and happy to be held by anyone.  He has his days where he’s a little clingy to Momma but I don’t actually mind it all that much.  He hugs me when I get home from work making it the best 10 seconds of my day.  He’s a very social baby who loves being around other little friends.  He hasn’t mastered the art of sharing but we’re working on it!


He loves playing with his Nonna all day during the work week but his very favorite thing….. Seeing his garbage pick-up friends!  Every Wednesday RB and Nonna swing while they wait for the big truck to come roaring down the street.  RB makes the “budddnnnddnnn” sound as it comes near.  (He even got a garbage truck for Christmas which he drives all over the living room floor. Ha!)  He hasn’t actually spoken to his best friends yet.  I get it, it’s a little intimidating to meet your idols but he loves when they say hey and wave to him.  (Those men really are the sweetest.  They always stop to say hey.  On Christmas we gave them a little treat bag and the driver even got out to come say thank you to RB.  9 times out of 10, they roll our garbage can back up the driveway for us.  Thankful for sweet friends in unexpected places!)12496479_1173601152684996_6512967252589887627_o

RB loves dancing with his daddy.  They could twirl and sing for hours.  And those two have so much fun being bad together.  They make messes and throw balls in the house. They even have their own little language.  Well…. less of a actual language, more so just growling back and forth at each other a whole lot.  I’m pretty sure RB’s favorite place to sit is on his daddy’s shoulders. 12525380_1173601009351677_4517288556812854396_o

My sweet, sweet boy.  How can you already be ONE?!  Time is flying by.  I love so much to witness every new learned skill of yours but it makes me sad that you’re growing so quickly!  During the first months of your life, many days were spent with you napping on my chest.  Now I’m lucky if you fall asleep in my arms just one night a week.  It’s becoming few and far between.  You have such an independent little spirit.  (No clue where you got that from!)

12615313_1173601086018336_6098789209896564330_oI cannot wait to see what this next year has in store for our family.  I cannot wait to watch as your vocabulary grows.  And I cannot wait to see what milestones you reach.  You are such a smart little boy.  You will far surpass us all.12604850_1173601006018344_5674547459908494010_o

Thank you for making me a mom and thank you for the best year of my life.  Your daddy and I could have never imagined how happy we would be when you came into our lives.  You make me smile every single day.  Even on the hard days, even on the tired days.  Even on the days when you are a total grouch because you refused to nap.  Even when you throw green beans across the room for the 100th time because you think it’s funny.  Even when we find the car keys hidden in your play house.  Even when there’s not an inch of floor that can be seen through all your toys.  There’s nothing on earth that I would trade any of that for.  God blessed my life ten times over with your arrival and I thank him every day for you.


Happy Birthday baby.  It’s a big one.


Your Daddy and I love you so very much.12484834_1173601106018334_5539858609873342175_o

**Special thanks to Rhett for building RB his very own plane!  He worked tirelessly for a week to get it just right.  How lucky is this little boy?! 12493503_1173501646028280_8316439955511399354_o

***And of course, special mention to Katherine Sowers Photography for the pictures.  As always, they are perfect.

Thanksgiving 2015

I’m. Just. So. Thankful.

Seriously guys, I can’t even begin to describe how thankful I truly am for all that I have. I went back to reread my blog from this time last year. I praised Rhett for being such an amazing husband. He totally still is and I’m just as thankful as I was a year ago. I also wrote that we were still trying to get the nursery finished. This year, I have an almost 10 month old (on Thursday) who is already walking! I can’t believe it.

Every night before bed I go in to the nursery to check on my sleeping boy. I say the same prayer that I have been saying since he came home from the hospital and I thank God for my beautiful boy. I also thank God for every minute that I get to spend as Rhett’s wife and RB’s mom. These are the two most important roles in my life and I’ll be forever grateful for that.

Here’s my Top Reasons for Thankfulness in 2015:

5) My friends! I have the best friends! Most of them have been around since high school and then the rest for at least ten years or more. We are a tight group that has seen it all with each other. Marriage, babies, moving, funerals, etc – we’re there for it and I wouldn’t have it any other way.


4) Rhett’s family. I got lucky in the in-law department and I’m thankful for them and the time we get to spend together, the phone calls, and Skype chats. Our family is all over the place so thank goodness for Facebook – we can all keep up with each other!


3) My family. My parents, who are the best grandparents ever (yes, totally biased here, no shame). My mom, especially, for spending everyday taking care of RB. That’s a huge job and she is AMAZING at it. My Dad for always sharing his dessert with RB. That man does NOT share sweets but when it comes to his little man, he gets whatever he wants. My brother for being super fun Uncle Dave! RB is David’s mini-me all the way. He looks like him. He acts like him. They are two peas in a pod and it’s adorable.


2) RB. What a happy baby we have! He giggles all day long and about the silliest things. The other night I was nursing him before bed. We were in the nursery, the lights were off, he had his wubbie in his hands and all was quiet. I had one hand under his legs and wrapped around to his other side when he dropped his hand and it fell in mine so naturally I closed my hand around his. For whatever reason he thought this was HILARIOUS! He started laughing so big over it and of course, I started laughing at him. We giggled so hard and long at each other that Rhett finally came back there to see what was going on. Moments like that are what it’s all about. The simplest thing brought so much joy and happiness and I’ll remember that moment for the rest of my life.


1) Rhett. Rhett’s wedding band is inscribed on the inside and what it says holds true forever. “You’re my favorite.” He makes me laugh, cooks me dinner, plays with the boy, gives me a break when I need it, cleans, builds things, paints the house (twice because I didn’t like the first color), does household projects… everything! He’s so good to us. We are truly blessed to have him.

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8 months old and a mess!

Bless him.  My baby is a total MESS!  He’s wild and crazy and full of personality.  (I know he gets it from his daddy.)  From morning til night, he doesn’t stop.  He more so crashes into nap time but goodness, he’d go all day if we let him.

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RB crawls EVERYWHERE!  Pulls up on EVERYTHING!  He dances, sings, giggles, and claps with us.  In the evenings we take him on a walk around our neighborhood.  He smiles at every person that passes.  He nearly turns completely around his stroller so he can watch a car driving down the street.  My boy has never met a stranger.  He’ll go to anyone who holds their hands out. He loves people watching.


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Last month we took RB to visit our good friends Sonya and CJ (and their boys Corbin and Keegan) in Jupiter, FL.  We drove there and back.  It wasn’t as bad as we were prepared for.  With the exception of a few meltdowns, RB did fantastic in the car.  He’s an active little boy so being stuck in a car seat for 12 hours was hard for him but finally we made it and had a wonderful time.  We went to the beach several times.  RB ate lots of sand.  We took him to a Sea Turtle Rehabilitation Center where he could see some huge sea turtles who were being cared for until they could be released again.  Sonya and I were able to have some momma time together enjoying lunch and drinks.  Rhett and CJ also got to have some daddy time at a local brewery (mainly so we could stock up on some of my favorite South Florida beer).  Corbin and Keegan were precious with RB.  They were both so attentive to him.  I loved the time with some of my closest friends and was sad to leave.

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Mom and I took RB to a Day in the Country a few weeks ago and he sat in his stroller for two and half hours without complaining.  He watched as we shopped.  Being out in the fresh air on a beautiful day like that wore my boy out.  He took a pretty long nap when we got home. 🙂  We took him to the fair this past weekend and wow, he LOVED it!  He rode the ferris wheel – once with Daddy Scott and again with Nonna.  We rode the Merry-Go-Round and another little dragon ride.  Daddy Scott thoroughly enjoyed having a reason to buy ride coupons for his little man.  RB tasted funnel cake for the first time.  Obviously that was a winner.  He also visited the petting zoo and was not even close to being afraid of the animals.  He reached out to touch every single animal.  It was adorable.  Again, BIG nap when we got home.  He was wiped out!

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RB has 4 teeth now with a few more just at the surface about to break through.  He eats solids 3 times a day and I’m still breastfeeding.  Our goal is to make it to a year with that so here’s hoping!  RB loves all food.  He hasn’t had one thing that he didn’t like.  We make most of his food fresh – we steam and then puree all of it.  My boy loves mashed up bananas… (ACK!)  He loves applesauce too.  (For those looking to save money… we’ve done the math – buying fresh fruits and veggies saves us about $50 a month on baby food.  It might not seem like a whole lot but that’s $600 a year that we could spend on clothes, toys, and other fun stuff for him.)

The coming months are going to bring many firsts for RB.  I can’t wait for him to dress up for his first Halloween.  Thanksgiving will give us some much-needed time with our out-of-state family.  Christmas is going to be awesome this year.  I know he won’t remember his first Christmas morning but we sure will.  I’m looking forward to creating traditions within our little family.  There are so many things from my own childhood that we did every year and they mean the world to me.  I can’t wait to do the same for RB.

And lastly, just because this is one of my favorite pictures…  This boy loves his time spent with Daddy – whether cuddling or dancing and singing they always have a grand time.  He thinks Rhett is the funniest person ever.

(I do too though, so I get it.)



Six Months Old Already!!

I seriously cannot believe it.  Today RB is 6 months old!  Things have been an absolute blur since February.  A beautiful blur, but a blur nonetheless.

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You are so big now! You can sit up all by yourself and want to all. the. time. No more lounging in your swing. You want to be up straight. No more lying back in your bath sling. You want to splash around while looking at your toes under water. My baby. You reach for us now. It’s adorable. You wrap your little hands around our arms or neck as we carry you. I’ll never love anything as much as I love your grip on me as I hold you. You are ridiculously cute. I know, I know… every parent says this. So I’ll say it too!!! You are such a beautiful little boy! You giggle all the time. It’s pretty easy to make you laugh. Although after 40 times of the exact same thing you suddenly decide it’s not funny anymore. And you never laugh at it again. So you have forced us to be creative. The faces and sounds we make to get a laugh from you…. Goodness. I’m sure we look like total morons. You are a squirmy-worm to the max! You literally never stop moving. Even while you’re sleeping. My boy, you have your Daddy’s energy. Y’all just promise to take it outside every once in a while so I can catch a nap, ok?

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There have been a lot of exciting things going on for you this last month.  New foods are one super fun thing you’ve enjoyed.  You have two bottom teeth now.  They’ve been completely in for almost a month now.  I’m sorry there are no pictures.  You get very mad when we try.

Here you are tasting bacon for the first time.  It is awesome.  You are welcome.


Next up, we tried sweet potatoes.  You thought these were fantastic.  (I’m thinking there’s not going to be much you won’t like.)

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Your Uncle Dave was kind enough to let you try a little bite of his birthday cake.  That was a messy good time for all.

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Carrots were another win for the team!


And as always, you love momma’s milk.  The scales don’t lie, my boy is getting big!


You have a best friend.  Her name is JG.  We weren’t really sure how she would handle a baby.  Little kids tend to be too loud for her although a house full of friends during a party doesn’t seem to bother her.  She’s the sweetest cat ever and I’ve had her since she was 6 weeks old so I was hoping that bringing a baby home would be an easy transition for her.  Turns out, it couldn’t have been better.  She adores you!  You pull at her ears and love her tail.  She doesn’t mind a bit.  If anything she comes back for more.  Anyone who has a cat knows they won’t stand for something that irritates them.  They leave, hide, nap, or watch down from a high spot with super judgemental little eyes.  JG never strays too far from you.  She is almost always on your playmat if you are down there.  She likes to peek in during storytime at night just to make sure everyone is ok.  She’s all about licking any remnants of food you’ve left behind.  I’ve had to stop her from joining you on your Boppy pillow while nursing only because you’re so easily distracted and you’d much rather talk to the kitty than eat.

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You recently had a nice visit with your great-grandmother, Mombo.  She had a difficult time communicating to Mom and I but apparently you two didn’t need any help.  Mombo is a sucker for babies and although she wasn’t able to talk much, her face said it all.  She was happy you were there.

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You went “swimming” the past two weekends.  It wasn’t your first time but you had fun as always.  And yes, we know you’re technically using a girl’s floaty but they were out of blue and really, you couldn’t care less.  Ha!  You’ve had several playdates and loved them all.  I’m guessing it’s because they involve little girls.  You are definitely a ladies man.

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Here you are standing in your crib.  You  didn’t pull up by yourself but you held on pretty good for a 6 month old.  Gosh.  You’re going to be walking before we know it! Ahhhh!!!


I’ll end this post with a picture that I sent to Mom with the caption, “He’s holding Pinky.  I think my heart just exploded.”  You see, Pinky was mine.  Given to me when I was 2 by my grandmother Joyce.  Pinky has always been with me.  No matter where I have lived, Pinky was there.  Usually she sat in the top of a closet but always on the edge, never boxed up or hidden.  Before you were born I put Pinky with two other stuffed animals on a shelf above your changing station (more for decoration as I’m not sure I ever thought I’d actually let you play with her).  One morning you were being super fussy during a diaper change so I reached up and gave you Pinky to distract you.  When we were done I went to take her away and put her back on the shelf.  You were having none of that.  It was the sweetest thing to see you with her.  It just made me melt.


Let’s hear it for the boys!! (Well, “Dads” to be more specific…)

“My father didn’t tell me how to live;
he lived, and let me watch him do it”
 – Clarence Budington Kelland

Father’s Day is this weekend so I wanted to write a short blog (mostly pictures of some of my favorite memories) to thank the fathers in my life.  I have a pretty amazing Dad, two wonderful Grandfathers, two awesome Fathers-in-law, and a whole bunch of uncles that I just have to include in this post as well.

My Mom says that I had my Dad wrapped around my pinky at a very young age.  After two boys, I was certainly new territory.  I was a girl.  I was sensitive.  I needed new outfits for each season and would not wear hand-me-downs from the boys as outside play-clothes.  On Friday nights as a child we would get to rent a movie and watch it together as a family.  I always sat in Dad’s lap with my head on his chest.  It was my favorite place in the whole world.  Dad was ever-present.  He didn’t miss a piano recital or ballet performance.  My father coached Josh and David in baseball and cheered me on while I picked daisies in the outfield.   I have always been a daddy’s girl so when the awful teenage girl year were upon us, I clashed with my mother and ran crying to my dad.  He never went against what my mom said but somehow coming from him, a “no” just wasn’t that bad.  My Dad held a family meeting shortly before I walked down the aisle.  He prayed with us and for us as a family.  He welcomed Rhett into our lives and then he gave his daughter away.  We told my parents that we were expecting on Father’s Day last year.  I gave Dad a gift (a bib and card for “grandpa”) and watched as him and my mom both figured out what we were actually saying.  The look of utter joy on their faces filled my heart.  When my Dad got to the hospital and held RB for the first time, I knew, he was hooked.  First grandbabies will always have a special place in their grandparent’s hearts.  RB will no doubt be spoiled by my dad.  He already is.   They laugh and “talk” and play and RB sleeps on Dad’s chest as I once did.  Lucky, lucky little boy.  I can’t wait to watch their relationship grow through the years.  I know my Dad will be there for every game, every recital, every important day.

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The other man who will be there for every important day, also every unimportant day, every good day, and the bad days as well – I call him Rhett, RB will call him Daddy.  It never gets old seeing Rhett hold RB or play with him or tickle him or sing to him.  Every single time they share a little moment my heart fills with pride.  I married my favorite person ever and now I get to be a parent next to that guy.  Lucky ME!  Parenting is hard.  It’s exhausting.  It’s rewarding.  And throughout it all, Rhett cracks jokes, fixes dinner, takes the baby when I need a break, and assures me that what we’re doing is right.  He supports me in all the decisions I spend hours debating.  He calms me when I get worked up over something.  He makes me a better mom.  There will come a time when RB will want to play with Daddy because he’s more fun than Mommy (doesn’t it always happen like that?).  I will not be jealous.  I will watch them wrestle in the living room and I will smile.  I will sit in the stands as Rhett coaches little league and I will cheer.  I will giggle as Rhett takes RB for his first driving lesson and I will pray (for them both).  I will listen as Rhett gives RB advice for the future and I will probably cry.  Their relationship will be one of the most important ones and I am lucky enough to have a front row seat.  I can’t wait.

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To my grandfathers, one recently lost, I love you both.  Thank you for always providing giggles and wonderful memories.  Thank you for the snuggles and secret treats behind Mom’s back.  Thank you for raising my parents in a way that made them such great parents themselves  Thank you for being there.  Thank you for loving me.

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To all the other men in my life who have served as father figures to me, I love you.  Thank you for being such great people.  My uncles, Scott, Skye, David and Anthony and my two wonderful fathers-in-law Bill and Ronnie, I’m lucky to have you all.

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My cup runneth over.

To Do List: Remember Everything

I’m so afraid I’ll forget all the everyday little things that you do.

I want to remember the way you look up at me from your crib every morning.  The way you stretch your arms above your head and purse your lips.  The way you arch your back then relax and give me the best smile.  You do this every single morning.  I love it.4 14 1

I want to remember how your little hand reaches out and grabs the side of the changing table.  You smile because you know what Mommy is about to uncover in that diaper and you think it’s funny.

I want to remember what you look like when you’re hungry.  Even if you just ate the hour before.  You stick your tongue in and out or you suck on your forearm while I hold you.  If I don’t get to feed you in time, the crying begins.

I want to remember your cries.  At first you give the biggest frown.  It’s the most beautiful frown I’ve ever seen.  If I still can’t get to you in time, the tears come!  I want to remember your first real tears.  As a newborn you cried but there were no tears.  When you were a couple weeks old, there were tears.  Real tears.  They broke my heart.  Your cry can be sweet, it can be loud, and sometimes it can even be funny (sorry).


I want to remember your feet.  The way your toes curl when you are happy about something.  And if we tickle up the length of your foot, your toes shoot out wide and open.  Your toenails are tiny.  Your big toe is smaller than the top of my pinky finger.  You love to have us blow raspberries on your feet.  You’ll pull your foot away from us then push it towards our lips again and again.


I want to remember your belly.  It sticks out over the top your pants after you’ve just eaten.  Your bellybutton, still an outie in slowly going in.  I can’t help but rub and kiss your belly when you haven’t got a shirt on.  It’s the softest spot on your whole little body.


I want to remember the look you give when you stand (assisted by us, of course).  You always look so surprised and happy like you’ve really accomplished something special.  You have that same look over and over.  It never gets old to you.


I want to remember your hair.  Your hair is so soft.  You’ve got a little on top that usually styles itself into a mohawk and a ton at the base of your head.  You look like a little old man with a horse-shoe hair pattern.  Your neck just below you hairline is my favorite place to kiss.  That’s the spot!  Your hair has gotten darker over the last month or so.  I said from the beginning I wanted a dark-haired, blue-eyed beauty and that’s what I have.

I want to remember your eyes.  You’ve got the most incredible blue eyes that watch me while I feed you.  I want to remember when you finally purposefully started focusing on my face.  You’d look at my mouth when I smiled and you’d copy it.  You’d look into my eyes and stare for minutes at a time.  Your eyelashes are so long and perfectly curled.  I envy those beautiful lashes.  I want to remember your eyes as you watch your Daddy read you a story.  You concentrate so hard as if willing yourself to understand the voice you love so much.  You smile the more animated Daddy gets.  You furrow you brows when he lowers his voice.  Your eyes always light up when Daddy reads.

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I want to remember your noises.  The grunts and groans, half-giggles, and cries.  Even the snores and burps.  You’re so vocal now.  You actually say “goo” and we laugh because we’ve never heard another baby make the goo sound as clearly as you.  You huff and puff to let us know you’re mad.  You grunt, “Uhh uhh uhh.”  You fake cry too.  I’m onto you little man.  I know your games and you play me the fool every time.


I want to remember the shape of your body as you lay fast asleep in your bed.  I check on you constantly.  Always sneaking in to place my hand on your stomach and feel you breathing.  You sleep on your back, swaddled, with your little hands poking out flat beside you.  You get mad when your paci falls out and you cry for someone to fix it.  As soon as it’s back in, you fall right back to sleep.  You wiggle an arm free most nights.  We never see it happen.  We call you Houdini.  It doesn’t matter how tightly you are swaddled, you can always get that arm loose.

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I want to remember your outstretched arms as you learn to grasp things in your tiny little hands.  Whether it be a toy, Mommy’s finger, or Daddy’s beard, you love to grab whatever you can.  You grab my shirt as I feed you.  You tangle your fingers in my hair when I hold you.  You suck on one fist while pushing it against your mouth with the other.  You haven’t quite found that thumb yet.  Your fingers are long and lean.  They don’t look like either of ours.

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I want to remember the way I felt when you were born.  I was scared and it was rushed but the moment I found out you were ok was the moment I started to live my life for you.  I want to remember holding you the first time.  I was so shocked at your early arrival.  I thought I had one more day to prepare myself.  But there you were.  Sleeping soundly in my arms.  I watched you sleep that first night.  Your dad and I saying over and over “I can’t believe he’s here.”

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I want to remember the recovery pain in the first weeks you were home. I want to remember how hard it was to get out of bed. How much it hurt to laugh. How your daddy rushed around the house getting this and that, making sure you were ok, making sure I was ok. I want to remember learning how to nurse. Both of us learning and soon getting into our own little groove. I want to remember the sleepless nights. There were so many at first. Your dad and I waking four and five times a night to change your diaper, feed you, or just to see why you wiggled. I couldn’t keep my eyes open some days. I fell asleep while feeding you more times than I can count. Luckily you also fell asleep so we both got a few restful moments together.




I want to remember everything but I know even as young as you are, I’ve already forgotten something.  Maybe it was a look on your face as you discovered something new.  Maybe it was a sound that came from your sweet little lips.  Maybe it was a feeling.  Maybe it was a moment I’ll never relive.  What I know for certain though, what I’ll never forget, is that you my boy, made me a mom and into the person I was always meant to be.  The love I have for you fills my heart beyond what I ever thought capable.  It’s not even possible for me to forget that.

One month old – RB’s Birth Story

I am typing this as my baby boy takes his afternoon nap.  I probably won’t finish because he will soon wake for another feeding.  That boy eats like a champ!  I’ll try to keep this post shorter than Moby Dick but no promises… This has been the longest (yet quickest) month of our lives.

RB’s Birth Story

(Forgive me if some of the details are a little foggy.   I haven’t slept much in the past month and everything happened fairly quickly.)

On Tuesday, February 3rd, we were scheduled to check into the hospital at 3:30pm to get a Foley Catheter placed (to further dilation) and the plan was to labor slowly overnight then receive Potocin on Wednesday morning if needed.  We were fully expecting to have a baby by Wednesday afternoon,  Turns out, God and our boy had different plans.

When we got to the hospital, my doctor checked me and I was 3cm dilated so there was no need for the Foley Catheter.  I was extremely relieved that I had begun to dilate further by myself.  Dr. Sullivan-Ford said she was pleased with this progress and I had even started having contractions (according to the monitor – at this point they were still too small for me to even feel them).  Around 4:30pm our preacher, Hugh, came up to the hospital to visit for a minute and pray with us as we began this new adventure.  When the three us prayed, I sat up in bed to hold hands.  A minute later the nurse came in because of a blip on the baby’s heart rate monitor.  We attributed this to me sitting up and possibly moving/jarring the belt.  Our preacher left soon after and the last thing he said was “I think I’ll call your dad and tell him he missed the birth.  The baby is here!”  We laughed having no idea how true that joke would soon turn out to be.

I texted my mom and my girlfriends to let them know I had begun labor on my own but that it would still be a long night and at that point we were not expecting a baby until the next day.  My mother texted back that she was on her way to the hospital.  I wanted her with Rhett and I the next morning while I labored and eventually delivered but she got a little excited when I said I had started already with no medical interventions.  I didn’t even get to read the text back from her before my nurse came in again asking if I had moved and jarred the monitor again,  I hadn’t.  She watched it for less than a minute and before you know it, I was laying flat, oxygen mask on as 3 or 4 other nurses rushed my room.  It was a well-oiled machine.  Each person had a job to do and they did it without bumping into each other or creating any chaos.  All I heard was that RB’s heart rate had dropped from somewhere in the 140s to somewhere in the 70s.  A minute later my doctor was leaning over me saying “We need to take him now.”  I immediately lost all sanity.  I started crying, very close to hyperventilating.  I was worried about him, I was worried about me, and I didn’t quite understand that “now” meant RIGHT NOW.  Dr. Sullivan-Ford grabbed my hand and pulled Rhett over and prayed with us.  Very quietly and very quickly she asked God to be with her and the team as they deliver our boy and to be with Rhett and I as she knew how scared we were.  Three minutes after my nurse initially came in to check the heart rate monitor, I was being wheeled down the hall to the operating room.  Rhett stayed behind to change into scrubs.  They got me in the OR where I was given a spinal.  Jennifer, our main nurse, held me while the anesthesiologist did his thing.  I cried into her chest while she tried her best to comfort me.  She was amazing.  Everyone involved was.  The words of encouragement were not lost on me although I was terrified and could not regain my composure the whole time.  The spinal kicked in as they laid me down and Rhett was finally there beside me.  I’m not sure what was going through his mind at the time but he was trying his best to make me feel ok.  He was his normal chatty self as he reassured me that everything was fine.  I cried as I said to Rhett, “Momma is gonna be so pissed she missed it.”  It felt like forever but about a minute after I laid down, RB was out and crying.  They brought him over the curtain and I kept asking “Is he ok? Is he ok?”  The nurses all told me he was fine.  He was blue and wrinkled and screaming his head off but he was fine.

Rhett stayed with him while they took measurements and then he went with RB to the recovery room.  I was still in the OR when Mom arrived at the hospital.  She went to the nurses station and asked what room Laura Stubblefield was in.  They answered “Daddy and baby are in there and Mommy is still being closed up.”   My Mom, confused by this, said “No, Laura Jones Stubblefield…”  She was walked to our room where she saw Rhett holding the baby.  I was told she dropped her purse and coat in the doorway and this is when the nurses realized she didn’t know I had just had an emergency C-Section.  A bit of a shock for someone expecting to see a still pregnant girl hooked up to monitors and laying in bed.

Soon after, I was wheeled back into the recovery room where Mom and Rhett were.  Someone handed me RB.  I really couldn’t wrap my head around what happened.  From the time Jennifer came into our room to the time RB was out was less than 10 minutes.  RB was born at 5:29pm at a very healthy 8 pounds, 1 ounce and 21 inches long.  His heart rate had stabilized and all was good.

(We are beyond lucky that our doctor was still there.  She told us later that any other normal day she would have been sitting in traffic on her way home but for whatever reason, she was running behind that day and was still at the hospital.  The anesthesiologist was also still there so thankfully we didn’t have to wait for him either.  All the stars aligned and all our prayers were answered.  It may have happened quicker than I would have liked but in the end, I am very thankful that my baby was delivered by the best team of people out there and that he was totally healthy.)

Once the shock wore off, my Mom finally realized no one else even knew RB had arrived so Rhett texted a picture of RB to my dad without adding a comment.  After the previous joke from our preacher, Dad was obviously a little skeptical.  He called mom who confirmed that it was not another joke.  Dad headed up to hospital then.  Rhett sent the same picture to his mom.  (He liked the fact that he didn’t add words.  Just a picture. Ha!)

A few hours after the section I sent out a picture in a group text to our friends that simply said “So um… we had a kid. C-Section two hours after we arrived,  8 pounds 1 oz, 21 inches long.”  Of course my girlfriends freaked and started a massive game of phone tag while the texts blew up.  Finally one got a hold of Rhett and shared with the rest what had happened.

That first night with Rhett, RB, and me in the hospital was a bit surreal.  We just kept looking at him saying “I can’t believe he’s here.  I can’t believe it happened that quick.”

The next few days in the hospital were a blur.  We had lots of visitors and were so thankful to be surrounded by so many loved ones who were more than excited to celebrate our newest family member.  With a section, of course, came some rough moments.  Getting out of bed the first time was awful.  The first walk around our floor, slow and painful.  Every time I laughed, I winced.  After the second night of pain and very little sleep I had a breakdown.  Rhett held RB while my own mom held me.  I’m pretty sure I was crying more than RB.

(As a side note, postpartum hormones are no joke.  And I thought I was crazy during pregnancy…  For me, the “baby blues” lasted about two weeks after delivery and can literally make you feel insane.  Not to mention you get very little sleep during this time.  Rhett went back to work the next Monday and I cried every morning when he left.  Several times I was crying when he got home.  My mom came over that first Sunday we were home because I sent her a text that read “He won’t stop crying.”  I opened the door to her with tears streaming down my face while Rhett tried to calm the screaming baby down.  I cried every time I fed for those first two weeks.  Every single time.  Breastfeeding is probably the hardest thing I’ve ever done.  All this went on while I was trying to recover from the section.  Ugh.  Not fun guys.  Not fun at all.)

Back to a happier topic…. WE HAVE A BABY!!  RB has been with us for a month now and everyday he changes a little bit more.  He has started staying awake for longer periods during which he makes some awesomely funny faces.  He looks all around and has started to really make eye contact with the person holding him.  He also makes some great little noises.  He grunts and groans, chirps and fake coughs when he’s looking for an extra bit of attention. 🙂  He loves listening to music with his Uncle David and sleeping on his Daddy Scott’s chest.  He looks at his Nonna while she tells him silly things and he goes to sleep in Daddy’s arms while he sings Elvis songs to him.  I get to spend extra quiet time with him at 2am while he eats and stares wide-eyed at my face.  JG (the cat) has grown accustomed to the little alien that has invaded her house.  She looks over him while lays in his Boppy lounger and stands concerned outside of his door when he cries while being changed.  Our boy hates to be naked,  He doesn’t like being changed and bathtime is not his favorite.  Tummy Time is only enjoyed while on Daddy’s chest.  He’s doing great holding his head up for a few seconds at a time but tires of that quickly.   Breastfeeding is going great now.  We are more in sync and the majority of the associated pain has subsided.  Those moments (although sometimes super often) have become a sweet time shared between the two of us.  Sometimes when he’s sleeping in my arms I look at him with complete awe.  God gave us the most beautiful and precious gift.  He’s perfect.


The Time is Nigh… Ahhhh!!!!

Wow!  9 months has flown by!  It’s also crept by.  I remember thinking many many times during this pregnancy that the days were dragging so slowly but somehow here we are.  In less than two weeks (approx) I’ll be a MOM!  As in, a mother, a legal guardian, responsible for another human being besides myself.  Hang on, I’m gonna need a minute………………………….  Ok, I’m back.  And still kinda blown away by what’s about to happen.  Sure, babies are born everyday.  I’m no different from the next expecting mom. Except that this time the baby being born is MINE.  So many emotions are flooding to the surface.  I’m excited, scared, anxious, overwhelmed, happy, crazy, and completely overjoyed.  This is the biggest thing I’ve ever done so let’s hope I end up being awesome at it.

Without being a total bore, here’s what we’ve been up to lately –

We’ve been slowly but surely completing all projects, checking off items from the millions of lists I’ve made, finishing up last-minute shopping, and generally just trying (yes, trying) to enjoy the last few weeks of Stubblefield, Party of Two.  Example of why I said “trying” – Last night, I was in the middle of making yet another list when I asked Rhett “What are we gonna do if the baby needs something and we completely forgot to buy it???”  He very calmly responded, “Then I’ll run two minutes up the street and buy it.”  This has been a repetitive conversation between us lately.  I wig out and he reminds me that we live 2 miles from my parents, 2 miles from the grocery store, 3 miles from the police station, 4 miles from the fire department…. Apparently my brain has begun to equate bringing home baby with the apocalypse.  My bad.  Now, back to what we’ve been up to – We began this year with a New Years Eve/Birthday trip to Lafayette.  We had a blast and ate waaaaaaay too much food but it’s Louisiana.  How you visit without overindulging is a concept I have yet to master.

We had a shared birthday dinner with our friends that next week.  Pizza, beer, and cake were enjoyed by all.  Well, I at least got the pizza and cake.  Beer will have to wait. 


On my actual birthday we got to surprise my mom big time!  My brother, David, moved back home from Colorado!!!  Rhett and I had known the plan for a while but she had no idea.  I know he won’t stay here forever as he absolutely fell in love with Colorado BUT for the time being, with my grandparents not doing so well and RB on the way, Dave knew where he needed to be.  Thank goodness for that.  We’ll take whatever time we can get!


The nursery is officially finished and I LOVE IT!  We took almost every bit of the 9 months to work on this room but honestly I couldn’t be happier with it.  It started with an idea and a lot of pinning on Pinterest and somewhere along the way it became RB’s room and not just any old nursery.  It’s comfy and homey and I can’t wait to see him sleeping in his crib or playing on his floor or rocking him in the chair.

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This past weekend we were given a shower by my Dad’s sisters and my cousins on the Jones side.  I can’t thank Kandye, Kim, Mike, Allie, and Kelsey enough!!! We had such a fun time and it was just so wonderful to have everyone all together.  Everything about that day was special.  The guests, the decorations, the games – I loved it all! 




Now we are just starting to settle down a little and wait.  That’s about all there is to do at this point.  He’ll be here soon so we plan to enjoy the quiet as much as possible before then.

I had a doctor’s appointment this morning and although my blood pressure is a little high for the second week in a row, she’s not too concerned right now.  RB is chugging along at 140 beats per minute.  He’s head down and ready to go!!  I’m 1cm dilated but it’s very common to be in this stage for a few weeks.  I will see the doc again next Thursday for an ultrasound so that we can check his weight and determine what our next course of action will be.  No matter what, we will have him with us by the end of that first week in February.  Yayayayayay!!!


Now for what I guess is the last Pregnancy Q & A

How far along: 38 weeks

Total weight gain:  Still within the recommended weight gain, still feeling like a cow.  Can’t wait to be able to touch my toes again.

Maternity clothes: More like which of the 2 pairs of pants that are comfortable will I wear today and whatever shirt that semi-matches to go on top.  Oh I also have that one and only pair of shoes that now fit my swollen feet (and I’m dangerously close to wearing slippers to the office…)

Stretch marks: No!  Can you believe it?  I can’t.  Which makes this all the more exciting.

Sleep: Not even close.  I can collectively get a few hours a night but between the bathroom breaks and just trying to get comfortable it’s pretty miserable.  I feel like a walking zombie during the day.

Best moment(s) of this week: Being taken care of by the best nurse ever, Rhett.  I made it almost the whole pregnancy without getting sick until this week, that is.  Monday I felt like I was knocking on death’s door.  And I still feel pretty run down but I’m slowly getting better.  Having Rhett there definitely helps.  He’s a natural caretaker, so sweet and accommodating and always in a good mood.  He makes being sick a little more bearable.  Also, he made my mom’s chicken & rice soup from scratch and it wasn’t half bad.  I think he’s a keeper.

Miss anything: I am no longer missing things.  I’m now just counting down the days until I get them again!!!

Movement: All. Day. Long.  I think this is the only thing I will miss about being pregnant.  It’s something that only RB and I get to share as much as we do.  Sometimes other people get to feel him kick but I get to feel the rolls and jumps, the hiccups and stretches.  Unless you’re very patient and keep your hand on my stomach for an awkward amount of time, you won’t ever get to feel all that.

Food cravings: I will refer to a text I sent Rhett earlier this week…

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Anything making you queasy or sick:  Just nerves 😉

Have you started to show yet:  Can’t even tell… Yeah, right.

Gender: BOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Labor signs: Braxton Hicks come on pretty strong in the evenings which the doctor seemed happy about.  To me, they are just a tease so I’m not really liking them.  And I’ve started to dilate but other than that, no real labor signs.

Belly button in or out: Still in. But oh so close…

Wedding rings on or off:  They are off.  It was a sad sad day but they have been moved to my necklace chain for now,  My fingers are just too swollen for them to be on comfortably. 😦

Happy or moody most of the time:  HAPPY!

Looking forward to:  I think this answer is pretty obvious.

2014 – I’m kinda sad to see it go…

***The above image of my huge belly was texted in response to a friend after she asked if I was ready to pop.  I let the picture speak for itself.  She wrote back, “There is a human in there!!!!!! PS. Out of the park with the Homer Simpson pjs.”  Thanks TB, I thought they were pretty awesome too.***

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2014 has honestly been one of the best years I’ve had.  So many things happened.  So many GOOD things.  We bought a house, got married, immediately got knocked up, and are now not-so-patiently awaiting RB’s arrival.  We watched several friends get married and a few others get engaged.  We’ve welcomed friend’s babies into the world and watched as our friends became AWESOME parents to those sweet babies.  We travelled.  We rested.  We spent time with family.  This year has rocked our socks off!  I really am a bit sad to see it go.

I know that next year will be a year of awesomeness though.  There will hundreds of firsts that will keep us excited and happy.  There will be just as many moments of laughter as in this past year.  And I’m sure there will be our fair share of the not-so-happy but with that brings times of closeness and love.  So goodbye to an amazing year!  And hello to the promise of another just like it! 2015, bring it on!

A quick update on the past few weeks for our friends and family that are far away:

My sweet SupperClub girls threw me a baby shower the weekend before Christmas.  I had so much fun and oh my, this little man is going to be dressed to the nines!  There were so many adorable little outfits that I may or may not have gotten them out on several occasions since just to look at them.  Everyone who was involved in that day made me feel so incredibly lucky and grateful.  I’m not bragging, I have THE BEST FRIENDS EVER.

photo 4 (2)    photo (30)


Christmas was spent in Jackson this year.  We were blessed to have my grandfather, Pop, join us for the Christmas Eve service at church and then back at my aunt & uncle’s house afterwards.  It was tough moving his fragile frame from wheelchair to car to wheelchair to church to house and back to the VA again but we were all so happy to have him join the family at home.  My grandmother, Mombo, also had a semi-sad holiday as she was moved this past Tuesday into an assisted living facility.  She simply can’t take total care of herself anymore and my mom can’t stay weeks at a time in Byram with her.  Dad misses his wife being home.  Mombo was moved to a place in Ridgeland though so we’ll all be happier to have her close.

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The Saturday after Christmas was spent with my Dad’s side of the family.  We had brunch and all decided the night before to wear pajamas since technically we would be eating breakfast food.  I, for one, am all about the pjs and was very excited to not have to worry about what would fit and be comfortable to wear.  I think we all may have accepted that this will be the “new tradition” for the Joneses.  At least the girls are all in and we outnumber the boys so yeah, pajamas from now on!  Yay!!

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Total side note:  I got some super great news last week but I can’t share for another week or two.  I know, that’s mean, but hey, you know it’s fun having a secret and not telling so grin and bear it folks! 🙂


I had a doctor’s appointment this past Monday.  It was all very standard.  Measurements, heartbeat, etc were all checked.  Our boy is a little big but I think Rhett and I both figured he would be.  Our next appointment is in two weeks and we’ll get our last sonogram before RB’s arrival!  I can’t wait to see that chubby little quarterback who kicks me all day and night.  After that appointment I will begin going every week until he gets here.  This Saturday will be 5 weeks from his due date and time feels like it’s creeping now.  HURRY UP LITTLE DUDE!  We can’t wait to meet you!


We are leaving today for a weekend getaway to Louisiana.  I see boudin and beignets in my immediate future and am very excited for that!


(The picture below is just to show you what small things can make me cry these days.  The tag on this gift from Rhett had me bawling.  Thanks pregnancy hormones.  Ha!)

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Now for the Q & A time –

How far along: 34.5 weeks (5.5 to go!)

Total weight gain: Ugh… Let’s just say I’m within the recommended 25-35llb weight gain.

Maternity clothes: Well duh.  I wish I could get away with pajamas all the time but I think work might take issue with that.

Stretch marks: Nope!

Sleep: lol NOPE!  I’m sure this is my body’s way of preparing me for life with a newborn but omg, I just want one night of uninterrupted sleep.  Just. One. Night.

Best moment(s) of this week: Hearing our sweet boy’s heartbeat at my appointment on Monday.  Also, celebrating Rhett’s birthday with pizza in bed while watching Netflix.  (I know that sounds like I made those plans but seriously, it was alllllllll his idea.  And I gladly went along with it.)

Miss anything:  Sleep, RedBull, all of my old clothes, and BREATHING!  Good lord, I miss breathing.

Movement: He never stops 🙂 He’s also quickly running out of room so I guess my ribs feel like a nice place to hang out.

Food cravings: I live in a constant state of Hangriness (anger caused by hunger).

Anything making you queasy or sick:  Sometimes I get a wave of nausea but it’s gone as quickly as it came.  Not sure why but I’m guessing it’s just a flood of hormones.

Have you started to show yet: lol

Gender: BOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Labor signs: No but I have started randomly experiencing the glory that is Braxton Hicks.  They are very few and far between with no rhyme or reason so that’s how I know it’s BH.

Belly button in or out: In. But oh so close…

Wedding rings on or off: They are currently on but getting tight.  I haven’t had major problems with swelling but I’ve definitely noticed a fair amount for what is normal for me.

Happy or moody most of the time:  Happy, anxious, READY!

Looking forward to: This weekend!! It will be the last time we get out of town for a while.  We are using this little getaway as a combined birthday trip, New Years trip, and Babymoon all in one.


Last little thing, two very important men in my life celebrated birthdays this week so I wanted to say to them, I love you both, Happy Birthday Dad and Rhett!!!!!

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Things You Should Never Say to a Pregnant Woman

First, let me begin with this – I honestly do not think 95% of the commenting offenders were trying to be hurtful or rude.  I just strongly believe that they do not subscribe to the notion of Think Before You Speak.

**Some of these were said to me and some were said to friends of mine.  (Thank you all for contributing to the education of morons ’round the world – or ya know, people who read my blog…)

Here’s the list:

“Are you pregnant?”  “You’re pregnant, aren’t you?”  Ok, two things here.  1) You may have just asked a non-pregnant woman this question in which case, ouch!  2) You may have just asked a pregnant woman this who is not ready to tell the whole world.  Maybe her family doesn’t even know yet but by all means, you should definitely be told first, right?

Don’t turn sideways down the hallway or you will get stuck.  Oh, haha, I get it.  That’s supposed to be a joke made to a woman who has never been this big in her life and feels so incredibly uncomfortable in her own body right now.  Hilarious.

“So how much have you gained?”  That’s what I like to call a NUNYA question.  As in, none of your business.  I’ll tell you if I want you to know.

“Oh your only 5 months?? I thought you were at least 8.”  Because I’m sooooooooo big already?  Thanks.

“Remember… As soon as that baby comes out you are no longer going to be eating for 2 so you better slow down.”  Whew!  Glad you’re worrying about my eating habits enough for the both of us!

“So… Does your husband just look at you and you get pregnant?”  Well….. kinda.

“Was this planned?”  Open mouth, insert foot – was that planned??  (Seriously though, having a honeymoon baby, I get this one too.  A lot. And every time it is asked of me, I feel incredibly judged.”

Are you having twins?”  Are you having a stroke?  Seriously, who says this???

“Well that’s an interesting name you picked out.”  Um, thanks?

“Oh my gosh you sure are waddling today, you look miserable….are you hurting? It looks like you’re in a lot of pain. That baby needs to hurry up.”  You carry around 30+ extra pounds and answer these questions for yourself. K, thanks, bye.

“You look HEFTY today”  I literally have no words for this one………

“I have seen a lot of pregnant women in my day but you are by far the biggest I have ever seen!”  Yeah? Well I’ve seen a lot of idiots but you are by far the biggest of them all!

“You know it won’t feel as good coming out as it did going in…”  Really?!  Please never speak again. 

“I can tell you’re pregnant because your face got bigger.”  Oh, so not the giant belly then?  Ok.  Cool.  Thanks.

“Oh, the baby is craving greasy/fatty/weird/sweet/unhealthy food, huh?”  Commenting on my choice of foods is not a healthy choice for you.

“You put that baby boy in pink today?  Shame on you.”  Um, actually I am wearing pink.  My son is wearing amniotic fluid, thank you very much.”

“Oh I just have to touch that belly!!”  And I just have to touch yours.  That’s ok right?  Not weird at all?

At barely four months pregnant, “Awwwww I feel a bump!”  No you don’t.  You feel my breakfast.  That was a sausage biscuit from McDonald’s.  Please remove your hand.

While looking at a friend’s swollen ankles, her coworkers  would say “Ooooooooooh….”  This fascination with swollen feet apparently happened everyday. Honestly, I’d just quit. Sorry honey, looks like we need to downsize to a cardboard box.  I quit my job today…… Because they kept saying “ooooooooh” at my cankles.

“My wife ran daily while she was pregnant.”  That’s nice but I didn’t run pre-pregnancy and I’m sure not starting it up now.

Along those same lines, “Are you doing your exercises every day?” Nope.

“Eating for two I see?”  Thinking for none I see.

Since we are new to the Wii Fit community it only seemed natural that we would run into one or two snags in the system. Our first snag came when we first stepped onto the fitness board. I told the game my height and obviously it took my weight. Well, I’m 9 months pregnant… so my weight has an extra 30lbs tacked onto it. The Wii Fit proceeded to inform me that I am obese.”  Even Nintendo is a jerk.

Look at you being all brave wearing horizontal stripes”  This wasn’t said to me but uh yeah, I totally wore horizontal stripes in my maternity pictures.  Ugh…

“You know how that happened, right?”  Nope.  Never took Human Anatomy & Physiology.  I have no clue.

“Sounds like a heifer walking through the house.”  Sounds like someone is about to kicked by that heifer too, buddy.

“Are you constipated?  I hear pregnant women get constipated a lot.”  Apparently your mouth is NOT constipated.  Next question!!!

From the mouths of babes, “Mama how can you still walk so much faster than us when you are so fat?” She is 10 days away from delivery.

“You know babies who are breastfed are less likely to have ADHD/have higher GPAs/are guaranteed to get into Yale/become millionaires?”  I forgot how a woman feeds her child is any of your business.

“You’re not getting an epidural are you?” or alternately “You HAVE TO get an epidural.”  How about I make the decision for myself without any input from you.

**Actually, any comments dealing with breastfeeding, vaginal vs. c-section, pain medications or natural should all just be off the table UNLESS asked.


And now for the comment that inspired this post.  Made to me just a few hours ago…

“Well you’re looking a little pregnant in the face today. heeheehee” And you’re looking a little dumb in the face… heeheehee.



From a dad friend of mine when asked what’s the worst thing you’ve heard said to a pregnant woman…  (For the record, I think these are brilliant and dead on.)

“How are you?”
“Can I help you?”
… or really anything. It’s usually best to simply leave them alone.